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Native vs Third-Party   |   Top Integrations by Category     Spotlight on 7 Must-Haves   |  
How to Add HubSpot Integrations


Whether you're new to HubSpot or a long-time user, HubSpot integrations optimize your time and financial investment, maximizing the platform's efficiency.

The HubSpot App Marketplace has grown into a treasure trove of hundreds of useful tools that help sales, service, and marketing teams work together more efficiently to delight customers and meet business goals.

We understand that deciding to add new technology to your current tech stack is no easy task. That’s why we’re breaking down some of the top HubSpot integrations for B2B and how to get the most out of them.


Native vs Third-Party HubSpot Integrations

HubSpot’s App Marketplace connects you with over 1,000 useful Hubspot integrations that fall into two broad categories: native and third-party.

A native integration is "hard coded" into HubSpot. This means that HubSpot at its very core is designed to sync with these apps. Some examples include:

  • Google Search Console
  • Quickbooks Online
  • Zoom
  • Slack
  • Asana
  • Eventbrite
  • Shopify

This is ideal for B2B businesses of all sizes, as HubSpot's native applications offer the most seamless and broadly useful integrations. LAIRE recommends starting with these.

HubSpot Integrations

To find native apps on the HubSpot App Marketplace, filter by “Built by HubSpot.”

That said, don't ignore third-party apps. While they’re built by another party, these apps want to work seamlessly within the HubSpot ecosystem because it's such a popular platform.

Keep in mind, however, that when you integrate these apps into HubSpot, you play by that third party's rules. Their individual privacy policies and terms and conditions govern your relationship with them. This could represent a security concern — but not necessarily. As long as you know what you're consenting to, you'll be fine.

Custom integrations are another kind, but that's beyond the scope of this article. Before trying to re-create the wheel, you should make sure something you need doesn't already exist.

How Many HubSpot Integrations Are There?

There are over 1,000, but we'd caution you not to go wild trying to download all of them. Too many apps can cause bloat in your tech stack.

It becomes hard to manage and track, leading to the potential for duplicate efforts and data. You'll struggle to understand which integrations are helpful. Plus, you never truly get to see the full potential of any integration if you're spread too thin.

Too few is also a mistake. Integrations save time by syncing critical data and workflows across tools, so don't be afraid to integrate tools you use daily with HubSpot.


The average HubSpot user installs about seven integrations. Your company may have more if you use multiple Hubs across various teams.


Top Native HubSpot Integrations for B2B by Category

Below, we’ve listed some of the top integrations for marketing, sales, customer service, and general business operations. We won't go into too much detail about each app because you've likely heard of most of them, but the list is a great starting point as you’re upgrading your tech stack.


  • Canva
  • Facebook, Facebook Ads, and Facebook Messenger
  • Google Ads
  • Google Meet
  • Google Search Console
  • Google Sheets
  • HubSpot for WordPress
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn and LinkedIn Ads
  • Mailchimp
  • YouTube
  • Zoom


  • Aircall
  • Constant Contact
  • Docusign
  • Intercom
  • LinkedIn Sales Navigator
  • Ontraport
  • Pipedrive
  • Salesforce
  • Slack
  • Stripe Data Sync

Customer Service

  • Freshdesk
  • SurveyMonkey
  • Jira
  • WhatsApp Business
  • Zendesk

Miscellaneous Business Operations

  • Airtable
  • Asana
  • Smartsheet
  • Todoist
  • Trello
  • Zapier
  • Zoho Recruit


Spotlight on 7 Must-Have B2B HubSpot Integrations

We want to highlight seven HubSpot Integrations, in particular, to demonstrate just how important it is to explore and use integrations.


1. Slack

Slack is an internal communication platform for your workspace. You can create channels, add users and guests, share files, and collaborate on projects from the desktop or mobile app.

If your company isn't already on Slack, it should be — especially if you’re a HubSpot user. Not only will it improve internal communication, but this integration will keep you updated on HubSpot tasks, workflows, lead activity, and more.

When you connect your Slack account, you’ll have access to HubSpot actions right in your Slack messages. You can create a task from your channel, set due dates, leave details, and assign a user, all without leaving the messaging platform.

Use slash commands to pull contact records into your conversation and share updates with team members. The HubSpot chat function allows you to sync your chatbot to a Slack channel to receive incoming communications and reply in-app to active chats.

Top HubSpot Integrations for B2B


2. Zapier

Zapier is a custom integration tool that allows you to connect applications to share and update information across platforms. The list of apps available for integration continues to grow, offering users an easy and effective alternative to building custom APIs.

While HubSpot has an extensive list of available integrations on its platform, you may find certain applications missing. Zapier helps bridge that gap by offering virtually seamless integration for HubSpot with outside applications.

Once connected, you can select an available app from Zapier to sync with HubSpot, map your corresponding properties, and test contacts to ensure viability before activating the zap. This saves you time and can mitigate the risk of duplicate content, which is something we can all be happy about.


3. Databox

Databox is a marketing data analytics tool that helps you keep track of all the moving pieces of data, reports, and dashboards that may be across platforms in one place. If you find yourself logging into many different analytics tools to view data, check this one out.

Integrate with HubSpot and you can import data, create custom dashboards, and make sense of information by compiling data from multiple otherwise separate sources.


4. PandaDoc

PandaDoc is a sales document tool that supports the creation of custom and interactive proposals, quotes, and contracts. With built-in e-signatures, PandaDoc helps you create a seamless and enjoyable user experience.

The PandaDoc integration for HubSpot is an integral tool for any company that is dependent on obtaining verified e-signatures. Once connected, a PandaDoc widget will appear on your contact records where you can create, edit, send, and track documents.

In PandaDoc, you can create HubSpot-friendly templates with personalization tokens that will auto-populate when you select that template on a contact record. You can edit and update templates right in the HubSpot record, add contacts who need to view or sign, and add team members who need to receive updates on the document.

A built-in comment section allows you to answer questions right on the platform. Once sent, you can track deliveries and views, and get notified when the clients have signed your contract. It’s an incredible tool that improves your sales process and helps avoid bottlenecks.


5. LeadsBridge

LeadsBridge bridges the gap between HubSpot and your Facebook ads to enhance targeting and capture more leads. This tool pulls "Smart Lists" for your customer relationship management (CRM) platform to create custom audiences to send hyper-targeted ads to both contacts and lookalikes.

You might be saying, "But I can do this already in Facebook Ads" … True, but like many of the top HubSpot integrations for B2B, you're allowing two systems to speak directly with each other. So, instead of exporting contacts and importing them to Facebook, it happens automatically. That's one less monotonous task you have to worry about.


6. CallRail

We hear from sales departments that this is one of the top HubSpot integrations for B2B that they wouldn't want to be without. Once you integrate it, it automatically bridges the gap between incoming call tracking and the HubSpot contact record.

It turns what can be a disjointed offline and online customer experience into a cohesive one.

This tool can automatically assign a contact to a sales rep after the call for follow-up, notify that team member immediately, and send them a reminder when it's time to follow up.

This kind of automation streamlines workflow to maximize a salesperson's productivity.

Once these calls become part of the record, you can also segment these callers later for nurturing by sales, marketing, and customer retention.


7. SurveyMonkey

Here's a fan favorite. Sadly, without an integration, survey data can feel separated from the workflow and harder to apply to improve customer experience.

The SurveyMonkey integration gathers critical feedback and personal preferences from customers through surveys and logs that feedback directly into the record. Then, you can use this information strategically to delight customers and meet business goals:

  • Personalize interactions based on their responses
  • Set up an event trigger email that asks them to write a formal review or send a video testimonial if they give you a good rating on your NPS survey
  • Trigger a helpful follow-up call or contact based on the individual's contact preferences if you get a low NPS rating

This integration also provides data for your Smart Content features in HubSpot. This allows you to create personalized Smart CTAs (calls to action) and Smart Lists, maximizing relevance.


How to Find, Connect, and Install an App to HubSpot

Visit the HubSpot App Marketplace to sort integrations based on your needs, compare alternatives that may do similar things, and make informed decisions. Here are step-by-step instructions:

  1. From your HubSpot account, click the Marketplace icon on the navigator bar.
  2. Search for a specific app or browse by category.
  3. Filter your results as you find helpful to narrow in on the apps that will be most useful to you.
  4. Review the app's details and requirements. Some apps are only available for specific Hubs and subscription levels. A third-party app might have its own requirements.
  5. Review the app's privacy policy if it's not a native app. The Data Privacy section will tell you if HubSpot's policy applies or the third-party's.
  6. Check out the support docs and setup guides to learn how to set up and start using the app.
  7. Click “Install App.” If you don't have permission to install, select “Request to install,” “Administrator,” and then “Send Email.” Whoever has permission can review your request.
  8. Once installed, check the “Alerts” tab under “Connected Apps” in the Marketplace.
  9. View any error messages and work to resolve them.


Get the Most Out of Your HubSpot Integrations

To get the most out of your integrations, get very clear on what you want to achieve. Understanding your goals will guide both the app you choose and how you use it. Three goals that HubSpot integrations can undoubtedly help you achieve include:

  • Improve Data Quality: Use integrations to gain a deeper understanding of customers, productivity, performance, and expenditure. They help you collect reliable, comprehensive data, visualize it, and combine it from multiple sources, enabling data-driven decision-making.
  • Enhance Productivity: Integrations will help you not only collect data but apply it in the form of automation, data syncing, enhanced workflows, team alignment, sales enablement content, more effective collaboration, cohesive customer experience, stronger customer relationships, and the ability to meet business goals consistently.
  • Save Time: Leverage integrations to build functional, scaleable workflows and systems across teams. Predict customer behaviors, be more proactive, and eliminate time-wasting activities. This level of efficiency positions your company for growth.

Bottom line: This arsenal of helpful integrations can help your team enjoy higher sales and ROI and happier customers.

If you’re using HubSpot to supercharge your marketing and sales efforts, how do you know you’re getting the most out of it? Download your copy of our HubSpot Tools Checklist to measure your usage and make a plan to leverage more apps inside your portal.

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Todd Laire

Todd Laire

B2B Sales and Marketing Leader | CEO at LAIRE, a Digital Growth Agency - Co-Founder, Entrepreneur, Public Speaker, Marketer, Sales Team Builder, and Change Advocate.