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Who Is the Sage?   |   Personality Traits   |   Color Palette   |   Ideal Audience for Sages   |   
Sage Brand Examples   |   How to Own Your Archetype

Do you see your company as a true thought leader? Is your brand one that imparts knowledge and information to your audience?

If so, you might align with the Sage, one of the 12 brand archetypes, originally developed by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung. According to Jung, these archetypes are inherent and manifest in consistent behavioral patterns authentic to core desires, values, and motivations.

In this blog, we’ll discuss what the Sage brand archetype represents, real-world examples of the Sage, and how to know whether your brand aligns with this archetype’s core values.


Understanding the Sage Brand Archetype


The Sage brand archetype is a persona that’s deeply rooted in wisdom, knowledge, and the pursuit of truth.

They are the wise ones, the ones that embody themselves as authorities in their fields. They use their knowledge and expertise to educate their audience and guide them towards choices that are for their highest good.

Defining the brand archetype for your company is an important step in setting a foundation for developing a distinct and resonant brand identity. By identifying with a specific archetype, you can create an authentic narrative that aligns with your deepest values, and, most importantly, resonates with your ideal audience.


The Sage Brand Archetype Personality

If you think of someone who is wise, who is constantly seeking truth, and is an expert in what they do, you’re thinking of The Sage archetype. Their most stand-out traits also include:


  • Knowledge
  • Clarity
  • Truth
  • Objectivity
  • Open-Mindedness
  • Understanding
  • Curiosity
Sages are known for their profound wisdom and extensive knowledge. They are constantly on the hunt for truth and to better understand the world. Like a professor who is a walking encyclopedia, they also love to share their knowledge and findings with others.


The Sage Brand Archetype Color Palette

Color is a great attractor. In recent studies, researchers have found that there are certain colors that draw in specific personality types, showing that color theory does in fact affect how a brand is perceived.

Let’s take a look at an inspirational color palette that aligns with the Sage brand archetype and how you can use it to attract your ideal audience:

>>Explore an overview of ALL the archetypes HERE<<


Brand Archetypes Color Palettes_The Sage


Who Is the Ideal Audience for Sage Brands?

The people who are most aligned with what the Sage archetype represents are those who also possess a strong thirst for knowledge. They have an innate commitment to truth, and they’re drawn to the Sage’s dedication to wisdom and expertise.

People and organizations in research, education, and academia naturally align with the Sage archetype. There’s a resonance with intellectual depth and the dissemination of deeply researched information.

Businesses providing expert services or consultation are also drawn to the Sage archetype, as they want to attract clients who prioritize trustworthy and knowledgeable partners.


Sage Archetype Brand Examples

The brands that embody the Sage archetype best emphasize expertise, learning, and a thoughtful approach to their products or services, making them naturally associated with knowledge and wisdom.

A few examples of brands that exhibit the Sage archetype include:


National Geographic

Known for its commitment to exploration, education, and the dissemination of knowledge about the world, National Geographic inspires curiosity about the planet and its people. It gives people an honest look at places and cultures they normally wouldn’t have access to.



TED, which stands for Technology, Education, Design, is a global platform that features talks from experts in a variety of fields like education, tech, science, health, personal development, and much more.

TED's mission is to spread ideas and information through powerful talks given by the world’s most accomplished and successful industry leaders.



First issued in 1768, Encyclopedia Britannica has been one of the most trusted reference sources for centuries. It embodies everything the Sage archetype stands for by providing accurate information in an authoritative way.

By adapting to the modern digital age with the publishing of online articles, Britannica continues to be a go-to resource for researchers and knowledge seekers.


The Smithsonian Institution

As the world’s largest museum and research complex, the Smithsonian epitomizes the Sage archetype. It objectively offers knowledge while preserving cultural and scientific heritage, and provides people with a wealth of information on topics like art, history, culture, and numerous others.


How to Own Your Sage Brand Archetype

If you feel that the Sage archetype aligns with your company’s values and ideals, adopting the Sage persona is a strategic choice. You’ll position yourself as a knowledgeable thought leader in your industry and build trust and credibility with your audience.

To accurately determine if the Sage archetype is a good fit for your business, take a closer look at your core values, mission, and the nature of the service or product that you provide.

But if you value spontaneity, cutting-edge trends, pop culture, or elements of fashion and design, you may want to consider one of the other 12 brand archetypes that better fit your persona.

To express the Sage characteristics effectively, you can start by prioritizing the sharing of your knowledge through content marketing. Establishing a blog, hosting webinars, or creating in-depth guides and resources are a great way to showcase your expertise and commitment to educating your audience.

One thing’s for certain: If one of your main goals is to provide value through sharing knowledge and information, aligning with the Sage archetype might be a good place to start.


The True Representative of Wisdom and Authority

The Sage brand archetype provides a powerful framework for establishing your brand as a source of wisdom and knowledge in your industry.

Before aligning yourself with what the Sage represents, you need to take an honest look at your company’s core values, mission, and target audience to determine whether the Sage archetype is truly a good fit for your branding strategy.

If your business is considering adopting the Sage archetype or exploring other branding possibilities, schedule a free 20-minute branding assessment with our team.

We’ll help you evaluate your current branding strategy and explore opportunities for growth and alignment with the best archetype for your brand.

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Laura Laire

Laura Laire

Laura is the VP of Creative Strategy who cofounded LAIRE, Inc., a digital growth agency. Laura is an entrepreneur and avid writer with a love of studying marketing and high performance. Laura has trained hundreds of thousands of people as a speaker, trainer, and coach giving keynotes at seminars and conventions for the past 25 years. Laura absolutely lives for marketing, creating, and inspiring big ideas.