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When I first learned about Inbound Marketing, I soon became convinced that it's like "turning your website or blog into a baseball catcher's mitt."  The analogy applies to capitalizing on every bit of traffic that goes to your website, and converting that traffic into leads that your business can develop into clientele. But of course, with every analogy, there's a lot more detail and moving pieces, that contribute to successful and effective Inbound Marketing.

So what exactly is Inbound Marketing? The quick answer is inbound marketing is a strategy and methodology that focuses on:

  • Attracting clients, partners or patients to your website or blog, by offering a particular type of useful or valuable information.
  • Converting. Your new visitors should ultimately be converted into leads. By opting to exchange their info on a web form for an offer like a white paper or eBook you’re now able to personalize and direct strategic marketing to them. Lead Nurturing can be very effective with conversions as well.
  • Closing. Once leads have been educated about the solutions available to eliminate their challenge, they will understand why your organization is the best at providing these solutions. These leads are now ready to be closed into new clients or patients.
  • Delighting. Once you close opportunities into sales, you’ll now have an opportunity to delight your clients. How can this be achieved? It's simple. Use the content your company offers to continue to educate your new client through the onboarding process.

Check out this lecture given to the Harvard Business School - "What Is Inbound Marketing"
by Brian Hallagan, founder of Hubspot - Inbound Marketing Software



Of course, it is best that you have a strong inbound marketing software partner to help with tactical aspects. We prefer HubSpot but there are many providers in the marketplace which you'll need to research more to find a good fit for your company.

If you really want to learn more about how Inbound Marketing campaigns can help drive more traffic and leads to your firm or office, wouldn't it be smart to take a peek at what a sample Inbound Marketing campaign looks like?

Download your FREE copy of our Inbound Marketing Campaign Checklist and learn how to accelerate your marketing today:

Download the Checklist: How to Run an Inbound Campaign



Todd Laire

Todd Laire

B2B Sales and Marketing Leader | CEO at LAIRE, a Digital Growth Agency - Co-Founder, Entrepreneur, Public Speaker, Marketer, Sales Team Builder, and Change Advocate.